What I learn
If someone in your life is causing you unnecessary frustration, do not try to fight or reason. Simply remove yourself from that person's negative force field. If you have to be in the same room at home or at work, you can still put up a psychic shield. Either smile and say nothing at all or state, quietly and firmly, " I don't believe I can be of help to you at this time." Then calmly resume your activities. The person may not like the message, but he or she will get it.
*** The above statement was presenting by my former professor Fleisher in a Speech class.
He had given all the students 8 mins to represent a speech of his statement.
****My turn: " If people attack us, we try to fight back, whatever the game, we end up wasting our valuable time and energy on frustration and anger. Walk away from them- not in anger or fear, but in neutrality.
"Simply remove yourself from that person's negative force field."
I like that.
Because the usual advice of - just get away from that negative person - isn't always possible. As you said, this person may be in your daily life, and there is no way, to just avoid them.
But you can work on not letting their negativity influence you. By setting your mind to do so.
I hope you are having a lovely time on vacation!!!!!
Very wise advice.
In many cases it is easy to be drawn into other peoples emotions and harder to keep our own from being contaminated.
pearl of wisdom :o]
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