Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Truth

Small lives are so
Because they have small goal;
Small loves are so
Because they have small hopes.


smilnsigh said...

You left a sweet comment, in my blog. Yes, that's a picture of me. Self-taken, a day ago. To show a Net friend, the great summer hat I got. :-)

Thank you for saying that I have beautiful skin. Secrets? Have a Mother, who had nice skin. Don't smoke. Don't be in the sun, any more than absolutely necessary, for a lifetime. And wear a moisturizer with sun bloc, for the last 'umpteen' years. :-)

I cover those awful little red "spider" veins, on cheeks, with some sort of liquid makeup. And use a little lipstick. And that's it!

Yes, for my age {70}, my skin is good. But it's not, as it once was. Age eventually gets the better of us, no matter how we try. :-)


smilnsigh said...

And I'm back again. Thank you for your comment in my blog. Saying that your view is to keep in mind that..."if your observation are getting you down,remember that all things pass."

You too sound as if you already have a good handle on this issue.
